Saturday, April 16, 2011

Well and Back!

Yey, I'm back! It's been a while, huh? I kind of got messed up when Val and I went to Iloilo for a supposedly less-than-a-week vacation. I was hospitalized unexpectedly due to stomach pain, LBM and vomiting. We suspected I had amoebiasis because of the seafoods we had the previous night. But my lab tests were negative. Nevertheless, they gave me Metronidazole, an anti- bacterial/protozoan kind of drug. It worked and after a couple of days, I was out. But I was really stressed out for a few more days, even when we're already back here in Cebu. All of that is over now though. I just have to be more careful with what I eat. I read probiotics also helps in preventing stomach problems, so yeah, I drink Yakult everyday. LOL!

There's simply a lot of things that I need to catch up on. I, of course, will do my best until our next vacation in May. I hope all will be well then. For now, let me share with you my April 2011 desktop calendar by Adori Graphics.

I had to re-use the above photo due to lack of any recent pictures of me and Val. Anyway, I think the calendar is really gorgeous. If you like it too, you can grab it for free at Adorible Digital Designs.