Thursday, May 31, 2012

June 2012 Desktop Calendar Freebie

I decided to make my own desktop calendar this month. But I feel so sorry to have forgotten some PS tricks that I used to do when I digiscrap. I blame it on myself for not practicing them for a while. But I remember making some notes about them and keeping bookmarks so I will have to check them out when I get the chance. Anyhow, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Thanks to the pretty mini kit I used, and the lovely alpha too!

If you like it, you can get it for free. Just click the image above. All you need is a Google or Gmail account. Sign in, then click the File tab and download.

Sweet June Rain & Banana Split

The month of June has finally arrived. It's been raining for the past few days here and I'm not sure if it means that the summer season is over. I hope not! Val and I are still planning to spend a couple of days of our anniversary month in the beach. Yep, we're married for 2 years already. How time flies, doesn't it? God is truly kind to bless us with so much love and happiness from the moment He united us under His church.

To celebrate the 1st day of June, Val and I shared a very sweet treat. No! Actually, we just had some really yummy bananas and chocolate syrup that would expire not long from now so Val went to buy ice cream so we could come up with banana split.

I don't have a sweet tooth nor am I a fan of ice cream, but if you rarely eat them, they can actually become pretty delicious. And it is best shared with someone you love!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 2012 Desktop Calendar

Hello to you and hello to the merry month of May! I kind of got carried away so I just had the chance to update. Let me show you my pick for this month's desktop calendar freebie.

Thank you, Penny Springmann for this pretty freebie! If you want to grab it, head on over to her blog.

I also created my own since it's been a while since I scrapped. Here's how it turned out.

Would you like me to share it? Just let me know... And of course, I would like to thank the Divine Digital Designers for their remarkably huge collab kit, which I used in this desktop calendar (except for the Pirate Gold Alpha from Julie. It is.).

You can visit My Scrapbook Art Magazine if you also want to grab this artful kit.