Friday, June 14, 2013

PrelestnayaP Design: Summer Bouquet

Hello, everyone! How are you enjoying your summer, so far? Summer here in the Philippines is officially gone. Rainy season is taking over. But I'm glad I've taken a lot of summer photos to scrap with the new kit collection from PrelestnayaP Design.

This collection includes the kit (5 papers and 22 elements), 4 borders, 3 clusters, 6 wordart, and 4 photomasks.

Click the preview above to pick up the bundle (35% off) or the links below if you want to purchase the packs individually (25% off).

Summer bouquet Kit by PrelestnayaP Design
Summer bouquet Clusters&Wordart by PrelestnayaP Design
Summer bouquet Borders by PrelestnayaP Design
Summer bouquet Photomasks by PrelestnayaP Design

I've created a couple of layouts using this pretty collection:

Pickleberrypop June 2013 Challenge Template by PrelestnayaP Designs

Day by Day June 2013 Vol. 4 Templates by PrelestnayaP Designs

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