Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nov 2013 Pickle Barrel at Pickleberrypop

For November 2013 Pickle Barrel at Pickleberrypop, I'll be showing off a couple of collections from PrelestnayaP Design and Lindsay Jane Designs.

Irina of PrelestnayaP Design has a lovely kit for your music themed layouts. I especially loved the violin element! While everything else in this collection is simply beautiful for any kind of elegant pages.

Pickleberrypop | Gottapixel

Here's the page I made:

Meanwhile, Lindsay Jane's collection is perfect for your autumn themed layouts. Love the variety of elements and papers and the journal cards are very pretty.

Pickleberrypop | Gottapixel

Since we don't have fall season here in the Philippines, I used it for a summer themed page and it still worked. Love it!

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