Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 2015 Gotta Grab It

Hello everyone, it's Gotta Grab It time! Here's the March 2015 GGI swatch at Gotta Pixel.

March 2015 Gotta Grab It (GGI) at Gotta Pixel

First up, Lindsay Jane has a collection for any kind of page, boyish or girly, whatever you like! It's also perfect for Project Life digiscrap pages.

New Direction by Lindsay Jane Designs

New Direction by Lindsay Jane Designs is available at Gotta Pixel for only $1 per pack.

PrelestnayaP Design also has 5 sets of gorgeous templates!


Full of memories Vol.19Full of memories Vol.20Creative blending Vol.9
Colored Photobook Vol.5 - Colored Photobook Vol.6

Please look below for  the digiscrap layout I enjoyed creating! 

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