Friday, December 10, 2010

My December Desktop Calendar

I've finally created my own desktop calendar, yay! I did this a few days ago, I just didn't have the time to post it because Val and I have been busy with doctor visits. Anyway, here it is...

Thanks to Sir Scrapalot Designs for the Jolly Mini Kit and to geniaBeana Scraps for the Antistatic Alpha. They're freebies, guys. So if you like them and want to grab them, just head over to their blog.

Fifteen more days 'til Christmas. The weather is rainy and colder, but it doesn't dampen the spirit of the people. The lights are on and sparkling every night. The kids are everywhere singing Christmas carols. Everyone is shopping for gifts. What a wonderful time of the year! We can't wait to be home with our family and share the good cheer. I hope everyone is merry, as well.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

6 Happy Married Months

Val and I are 6 months married today. Yay!

A few days ago, I digiscrapped a photo of him as a groom  and showed it to him before we went to mass this morning. He loved it! He likes it a lot when he looks great in the photo. Haha!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

November 2010 Desktop Calendars

I know this is pretty late but the desktop calendars I'm about to feature are too gorgeous to ignore.

Thanks to Shabby Princess Designs and Eva Kipler Designs. They are really lovely!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our Sibs

I only have one sibling and that's my younger brother. Val, on the other hand, has also one sibling and that's his older sis. They are away from us. My bro is a seafarer and Val's sis is living and employed abroad. Everyday, we remember them in our prayers and once in a while, we share our fondest memories while growing up with them.

So today, I've made a couple of digital scrapbooks for them. They are already missed and we certainly hope they are well.

Thanks to Timounette for the papers and Raspberry Road Designs for the clusters. They are freebies, so in case you also want to get them, here are the links:

Kit Verdure Paper Pack Freebie
Ocean Solace Cluster Freebie
Fight Like A Girl Cluster Freebie

Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 2010 Desktop Calendars

Hello all! How's your October so far? Halloween is just around the corner so we're all pretty excited, aren't we? And I hope it's not too late this month to feature a few digital scrapbooking calendars for you scrapbooking enthusiasts.

If you've snapped photos of yourself after doing test make-up for Halloween, here's the perfect desktop calendar to display a preview of your  Halloween look.

Get it from Anelia's blog now! It includes 9 common screen resolutions and I'm sure you'll find one that's perfect for your desktop or laptop.

For your recent Fall photos, here's Julie Mead's October 2010 desktop calendar freebie.

It comes in 3 desktop sizes and can be downloaded from The Nifty Boutique.

And the last, but definitely my favorite! You don't have to look twice to tell.

Check it out at Studio Manu's Facebook fanpage.

That's it for now. Have a happy October!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Welcome to, our family's personal website.

Hi, I'm Pam!

With today's launching, we are at the same time introducing one of my many hobbies and interests -- scrapbooking, both traditional and digital. Our logo pictured below (and which you can also find in this website's header) is the first digital scrapbooking piece that I will be sharing in this website.

Thanks to Jaelop Designs for the Kit Praise the Lord and Miss Scrap for the Blue Jeans Alpha, which were used in the above digiscrap.

Hang on for more scrapbooking stuff! There will be featured freebies such as quickpages and desktop calendars. And whenever I have spare time, I will also share with you some of my own designs. I hope you will enjoy them and keep coming back to this website.