Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 2014 Gotta Grab It

Hey, it's time again for Gotta Grab It at Gotta Pixel for May 2014!

May 2014 Gotta Grab It at Gottapixel

Don't you just love that color combination? So let's start with a lovely collection from Lindsay Jane Designs, Pretty as Spring.

Pretty as Spring - Lindsay Jane Designs

Here's my layout using Lindsay Jane's collection above and Shape Masks 9:

Shape Masks 9 - Lindsay Jane Designs

Gottapixel | Pickleberrypop

Meanwhile, PrelestnayaP Design is giving us a set of templates:

May 2014 Gotta Grab It Templates - PrelestnayaP Design

Here's the page I created using the Full of Memories template:

Credit: Tenderness by PrelestnayaP Design

And since I enjoyed creating with both collections, I made another page:


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