Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 2014 Gotta Grab It

Hello everyone! September Gotta Grab It at Gottapixel is here!!!

I'm sure, you will love what I'm about to show you from a couple of my designers!

First off, here's a fun and colorful collection from Lindsay Jane Designs to scrap about the latest rainbow loom craze! If you're into it like myself, you will surely love this!

Rainbows Loom by Lindsay Jane Designs is now available at Gottapixel for only $1 per pack. Sale price is only until September 19th, so hurry and grab them now!

Meanwhile, PrelestnayaP Design is offering 5 packs of gorgeous templates!

September 2014 Gotta Grab It Templates by PrelestnayaP Design is only $1 per pack at Gottapixel until September 19th, so don't miss it on its sale price!

Here are the digiscrap layouts I created using the Gotta Grab It products this month:

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