Friday, September 19, 2014

September 2014 Pickle Barrel

September Pickle Barrel at Pickleberrypop is here!!! Isn't it exciting?

I will be posting about 2 wonderful collections from my designers, PrelestnayaP Design and Lindsay Jane Designs.

Let's take a look first at this beauty. I just love how the red elements pop from the green and yellow background!

Present & Past by PrelestnayaP Design

Next is a boyish digiscrap kit from Lindsay Jane Designs. It offers a wide array of boyish activities that you can scrap with this collection. Just amazing!

A Boy Thing by Lindsay Jane Designs

Here are the digiscrap pages I made using the above Pickle Barrel products:

On this digiscrap layout, I also used Lindsay Jane Designs' Shape Borders 7, which is available in Pickleberrypop and Gottapixel at 25% OFF.

I hope you enjoy, have a wonderful weekend!

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