Monday, March 18, 2013

$2 Tuesday + CU Items + Spring Break Sale

It's $2 Tuesday once again at Stuff to Scrap and this week, Designs by Snowlady is offering a template set and a kit for only $2 each. You may click the previews below to  grab them.

Here are some pages I made using the templates:

Frightened Ava   
(click to enlarge)

Designs by Snowlady has also a couple of CU products, which are on sale at 30% off. Please click the previews to get them from her store.

*This set of styles was given to Round 1 participants of the 2013 Designer Darling contest.*

*These were part of the STS CU Grab Bag Sept 2012.*

On March 20-31, Designs by Snowlady is having a Spring Break Sale! The % OFF will change daily so watch out for great deals! Click the flyer below to visit her store.

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