Thursday, November 22, 2012

Build A Memory: Template Maker + Sale

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a fabulous week! Me? I've actually been busy preparing for our holiday vacation next week. But before I leave, I thought I should share with you this fantastic template maker from Build A Memory.

If you've been reading my previous blog posts, then you already know that I've just started making my own templates. If you haven't, grab my first template freebie here. This product is absolutely going to be a lot of help when I make my future template freebies! I can't wait to start working with it! Sadly, it'll have to wait 'til I come back from vacation.

But I have some good news. Build A Memory is having a Black Friday Sale all through Cyber Monday!

So what are you waiting for? Click the flier to go to Build A Memory's store at Stuff to Scrap or the preview above to grab the Template Maker.

Happy Thanksgiving and have a fabulous weekend y'all!!

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